To buy and import a car from the USA can be a worthy investment of your time and money. Especially when you have always dreamed of owning an American car or want to save money because of the massive size of the American market. Besides that, you may find special cars that are unavailable in your own country. Are you looking for a specialist to arrange the entire car import process from countries such as the USA, Canada and Japan? Marlog Car Handling is the specialist you need. This company has built a lot of experience in the car trading field since 2000 and are able to provide you with the best service when it comes to importing cars. They offer the complete process concerning import and export of vehiclesMarlog Car Handling is the perfect partner to arrange a successful car import from distant countries, because they take all aspects of the process out of your hands. Their services consist of payment intermediation, pick-up, documentation, shipping and subsequent transport. Through their extensive network of agents, that can all be trusted for transport, your new car will be imported safely and quickly. Do you want to outsource a part of the car import process? That is also a possibility that Marlog Car Handling offers. For example, you can choose professional shipping while you have arranged all the documents by yourself or vice versa. They help think of possible solutions for your specific situationMarlog Car Handling likes to make it very easy for you. You can count on quick car import from the USA because they work with different private collectors, gearheads and business partners who can guarantee weekly shipments from the USA. Do you have special requests? They can help think of possible solutions for your specific situation. Contact these specialists and be sure of a safe international passage for your vehicle. | |