If you are working with an advertising and fashion photographers in your country but you need to have a job done in The Netherlands, what do you do? Do you fly in your photographer with all the gear and the hassle of organising work permits, or do you hire a Dutch photographer? Perhaps it is good to consider that. If you do a careful search you should be able to find a professional commercial photographer who can mimic the style of the photographer that you’ve got used to working with. What to consider if you’re looking for a commercial photographer in The Netherlands?Geographical area
The Netherlands is a relatively small country with a good road network. So as far as travel time is concerned, don’t worry too much. This obviously depends on your the size of the job and your budget. A professional photographer will charge travel time with the same hourly rate as the time spent behind the camera, so you may want to try to find photographer closer to the location you are looking at. In that case add the name of the closest city to the word ‘photographer’ or the Dutch equivalent ‘fotograaf’. For instance you can look for photographer in cities like: Arnhem, Nijmegen, Den Bosch or Eindhoven, Zwolle or Groningen. Obviously, make the portfolio leading and not the location:
Experience with the discipline of photography you are looking for
The photographer or photography studio needs to show in their portfolio that they have experience in creating the type of images that you are looking for. As there will always be changes in style, show them what style you are looking for and where you want to use the images. As a reference share the images of your local photographer with them.
Comply to industry standards
Finding a true professional photographer in The Netherlands can be a bit of a nightmare, although this is probably the same in every country. It may help to check if the photographers are a member of the Dutch Professional Photographers Association, Dupho. By becoming a member they will have agreed to the code of conduct to check if a potential assignment matches their skills and experiences. If not they will refer you to another member.
International client list
Most people in The Netherlands will speak at least a bit of English, but depending on the type of assignment you may want to check if they have dealt with customers from outside The Netherlands before. During team meetings and when terms and conditions are being discussed an above average proficiency of English is needed for efficient and smooth communication. We hope this helps you a bit to get things going?